• Saga Massage in Lyngby - Deeper Wellness

    Saga Massage is now a part of Saga Senses

    Experience our award-winning &

    highest reviewed massage sessions

  • 5 star review of Saga Massage at Trustpilot

    The best massage ever!

    I've had a lot of massage through my life - BUT never like this special Saga Massage treatment with Jon's competent, strong and gentle hands.


    The different massage techniques and focus areas are adapted and combined completely to my body and my needs of the day - each treatment is a unique experience.


    Jon's Saga Massage is a gentle but focused experience - none of my sore points escape his attention.


    I wish everyone could experience what I am experiencing. TRY IT - YOU WILL LOVE IT
    - Gitte

  • How it works


    Book appointment

    Choose a service on the booking page and find a suitable time.



    When the booking is completed, you will receive a confirmation by e-mail / SMS. Cancellations must be made no later than 24 hours before.


    Massage Therapy

    Arrive well in advance and enjoy the massage at Saga Senses, Bagsværdvej 72B, 2800 Kgs. Lyngby.



    Pay in cash or with Mobilepay after the treatment. You will receive a receipt afterwards.

  • Services

    We want to create deeper wellness for our clients with unique massage experiences.

    Saga Massage Therapy

    Deeper wellness with Nordic massage

    Experience a unique Saga Massage therapy based on traditional Western and Nordic massage techniques ~ physiurgical massage therapy, geothermal therapy, connective tissue massage, in-depth sports massage and stimulating wellness massage.


    The massage is effective in treating pain, as well as preventing muscle tension, disease and injury. The massage removes tension and breaks down waste products that are more easily excreted after the massage. The muscles and joints will be flexed by the massage and the blood circulation will increase throughout the body, including in the muscles, nervous and lymphatic system.


    You increase blood circulation deep inside the muscles, which rebuilds themselves faster after injury or strain. The massage helps to restore the balance in the muscles and body. After the massage, you will experience relaxation, reduced pain and increased mobility.


    The massage also reduces stress, anxiety, headaches, pain and soreness in the body. People often feel a greater body awareness after the massage.


    The Saga Massage therapy is specially adapted to you and your needs and desires.


    Book your next Saga Massage therapy here

  • About

    broken image

    Jon Bluhme Sævarsson
    Owner and Massage Therapist


    I graduated as a Massage Therapist at the School of Body Therapy in Lyngby (www.massageskolen.com) and am a member of the Danish Therapists Association (Dansk Behandlerforbund).

    In addition, I have taken courses in Japanese Shiatsu, Thai/Indian Yoga Massage, Hawaiian Lomi Lomi Massage, Sarga Barefoot Bodywork, Reiki Healing, etc.

    I founded my company Saga Massage in 2020, which has since been renamed to Saga Senses to embrace a broader mix of services and products.

    I love experimenting and playing with various elements and techniques to create an other-worldly and tranquil experience for my clients. Holistic, Sensory, Healing.

    My Saga Senses treatment is unique and intuitively adapted to serve the clients needs. I use a mix of massage & bodywork techniques from different parts of the World (Western / Nordic & Eastern styles) and combine meditative breathwork, sound & aromatherapy, heat/cold therapy, Reiki healing, etc. My goal is to provide deeper wellness, energy and balance for your body, mind and soul.

    I have participated at the World Championship in Massage in 2022 and 2024. And I have twice participated at the Danish National Championship in Massage and was awarded a silver medal in the Freestyle category in 2023 and a silver medal in the Wellness category in 2024.

    I am also a part of the Danish National Team in Massage since 2024.


    I was born in Iceland and I have lived in Denmark most of my life. Privately I live in Lyngby with my family.


    It is important to remember that we all need regular physical contact, presence, calm and well-being in body and soul. This is exactly what massage treatments can provide - in addition to relieving pain and tension, stimulating the circulation and strengthening the immune system and much more.


    A private getaway with a focus on you.

  • Contact

    Saga Senses
    Bagsværdvej 72B
    2800 Kgs. Lyngby
    28 72 33 95